Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

You ask what do you have to give on this day?
You have a smile to show - it is contagious.
A hand for offering help - you never know when someone could use another.
You have a heart to show love - for some may not know love.
You can lift someone's spirit by just being there.
Valentine's day is a day of love; not of just couples or have you nots...
But for all of us...

So I bid you this day of joy and happiness and most of all... love.
Now pick up the smutties book you can found and get to reading!
Happy Valentine's Day!

~Happy Smutty Filled Day~
post signature


  1. Hi Cecile...

    Happy Valentines Day to you too!!


  2. Joyeuse Saint Valentin ma belle!!!!

  3. Happy valentine's Day hon, may romance brighten your day!! And some steamy moment like that last has my throat parched and now I want to go all wicked with ice cubes!

    (((hugs to you)))

  4. Have a wonderful and happy Valentine's Day, sweetie!
    Very nice pictures to get into the right mood for it :)
    Love ya!
    *big hugs and kisses*

  5. Happy Valentine's Day sweetie!!!!! Hope you have a lovely day :)

  6. Happy Valentine's Day! I know it's not Christmas but I'm wishing for a hunky Brother or a Breed Warrior to stop by and ask me to be their Valentine :-)

    Stephanie G

  7. Happy Valentines Day to you too!!

  8. Cecile,

    I hope you're having a spectacular Valentine's Day!

  9. Hi Cecile :D
    Happy valentine's Day!!

    Glad alla hjÀrtans dag.

    Oh wicked with icecubes I see, hehe, it was a fun day today indeeed

  10. Happy Valentines Day girlie!!



  11. Hi hon a very very Happy Valentine's Day to you!!! What a great post so true! BIG HUGS and much love my friend!

  12. I hope you have a terrific Valentines!! ;)

    Happy Valentine's Day!!

  13. OMG...I love the last picture!

    Happy V-day babe! And I send nothing but love to you! You're the best!

    Big Cyber hugs

  14. Hey Cecile, Happy Valentines Day right back to you!!
    Reading Bound Branded and Brazen ARC by Jaci Burton and saved it especially for Valentines and it is the perfect "smutty" read!!!

    jackie b central texas

  15. Happy Valentine's Day and thanks for spreading the love!



  16. Happy Valentines to you too Cecile!!

  17. Happy Valentines! And gung hay fat choi! :)

  18. Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have a great one! :D

  19. Hi Cecile!

    Happy Valentine's Day sweetie!


    Dottie :)

  20. Hi Cecile,
    I agree with you, Happy Valentines Day, and it's not just a day for Lovers, it's a day of love and there is love when you help a friend in great need. There is the kind of Love that comes deep from the heart, such as between friends. You know that friend that you know all about and love them anyway Yap, that's the Cecile...she love me any way.
    Thanks Hon Great post

  21. Hey Jes, I am proud of you hon. You seem to be getting around here just fine!!!! I feel like my baby is all grown up! LOL!
    Thank you for the kind words my friend. I hold my friends close to my heart!

  22. Thank you all for coming by on this day! I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!

  23. Happy tardy V-day, hope it was a naughty one!!


I want to thank you for stopping by my place... I hope to see you again!!
I hope you enjoy my little bloggie home as much as I do!
With hugs, love and smiles... Cecile

My Fictional Smutty Boyfriend.... =)
