Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You Wanna Quickie ~ Mate of the Wolf

Mate of the Wolf
Category : Romance
KBISBN : 9781426820793
Published date : 1 July 2008

The Blurh:
Rule Number One Date only Pack members. She knew he was definitely not part of the Pack, but the immediate intense attraction Allie felt for Kane overwhelmed her good sense and convinced her to toss her rules out the window. The fact that she couldn't detect his scent did not concern her she knew he was unlike any man she'd ever known, and she had to be with him, whatever the cost.

He couldn't believe she didn't recognize him he'd known instantly what she was. After four hundred years, Kane had finally found his Svetla, his one true mate. But a union between their two races was expressly forbidden. So now it was time for Kane to break some rules of his own....
I obtained this from Mobipocket eBook.
Allison, aka Allie, is a wonderful person to know. I loved her the moment I read of her. She is a very dedicated friend as we see with Emily. Her best friend since God knows when... Emily has been diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer and Emily's family is the only family Allison has. She loves Em so much, she will even entertain her with blind dates.
Enters Kane... She went to the Shorelines bar to meet her "blind date". She is on the phone with Em while craning her eyes in the place to see if she can spot him. Well, as luck would have it, in walks in this drop dead gorgeous guy.... but she knows something about him... he is not part of a pack.. or any pack for that matter.
But hey... what's one date right... Well.. that is where things turn a bit chaotic!! A beer bottle gets caught under her high heel shoe and well.. it's buttoms up from there.
Kane was instanly drawn to her and at the moment of knowing her, would do anything for her... even risking exposing himself to the sun!!!
This was among my favorite in this collection of books. This one gave the rest a run for my money!! But all the stories in this collection are very hot and awesomely written for short stories!
This is one about the rules of the opposite race... werewolf vs vampire. And in the short time Ms Whiddon had, she convienced me that Allison and Kane were destined to be together despite everything!!
I hope I have encourged to pick up this hot book and read... if not... stay tune for four more reviews!!!
I also obtained this image from Mobipocket eBooks as well. I really love this cover... It speaks volumes about what will go on between these pages.... Very hot ladies!!
Please visit Ms. Karen Whiddon's site --->>> here! Leave her comment and let her know what you think!!

You Wanna Quickie ~ Racing the Moon

Midnight Cravings
Publisher: Silhouette
Pub. Date: April 2009
ISBN-13: 9780373250936
Series: Silhouette Nocturne Series

The blurh:
Under the cover of night exists the dark and sensuous world of Midnight Cravings–a world conjured up in six seductive tales of paranormal passion. Follow some of the genre's best writers, including Michele Hauf, Karen Whiddon and Lori Devoti, on a mesmerizing journey where the extraordinary comes breathtakingly close with every turn of the page.
So, please, come on in. The first bite won't hurt, and it's likely that you will crave another...and another...and...
Now I must admit that I normally don’t like short stories because I always feel like there could be more to the story or that I am left hanging. With this whole book, I never felt that way. The stories are short, sexy and gawd to honest hot!
The first book:
Racing The Moon by Michele Hauf

Dean Maverick, werewolf, is racing against the full moon when his truck breaks down in the middle of nowhere. A sexy female mechanic named Sunday assesses the damage--and Dean. Sparks crackle between the two of them; they cannot hide their attraction to one another. It'll take a day for parts to arrive; Sunday offers the spare bedroom above her shop for him to stay the night. Dean doesn't have a day, or even a few hours. When the full moon is high in the sky, his inner wolf will emerge--unless he can appease it beforehand with sex.
Being a familiar isn't easy for Sunday--sex is a conduit for demons to enter the mortal realm. Most familiars can control this power, but Sunday can't. Every time she climaxes, a demon bridges to this realm, and they're not always friendly. But she can't deny the feral need to help slake Dean's lust. And keeping the wolf at bay will see her safe from an attack--wolves don't like cats.

Can a cat and wolf get beyond their prejudices--and overcome their own problems--to bring the wolf to a howling submission...
This is from Michele Hauf’s site.
My thoughts:
OMG, if you want to know what happens when werewolfs and familars meet under some hot circumstances then you must read this book. The story will keep you turning the pages to see what happens next. Dean is hot and Sunday is spicy! What more could you ask for, now throw a demon in the mix and you got one kickin story! The story does beg to ask… what would you do to satisfy an urge!!!
Be sure to check out her place (here) to see what she has coming up!!! And if you visit her place… you will see that you can go to eHarlequin to download a free book from her as well!!! So, please… chase the wolf there to see what else she has in store for us!

PS… this is her cover for this book….

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mailbox Friday!!!

Okay. before I lose this again... and throw this damn computer away... I will post this... It will be without links, so please forgive me. My computer and I are both pmsing and it is not a good thing!!!

So, without further prolonging...
This is what was waiting for me today when I cam home from my shopping trips to Borders...
I won this over at Anna's place, she is having a kick butt contest for her anniversary!!! Look in my blogroll and go check out her place!!!
Now, I can really say that I sleep with Edward! *its okay to hate me*

Then, I got this is the mail too... This came from NJ. This is a "pass around book" from Amy C at Romance Book Wyrm. Please go to her web site if you are interested in reading this traveling book. Beleive me when I say it has been around already! But please also visit her place, it is cool and she even has a story of own writing posted there too that is really a sweet story!!!
And last, but not least, this was in my mailbox too today... This came from Blodeuedd's place!! I won this at a contest she was hosting!! Please, go check out her place as well... she is cool!!!

Thanks you guys!!!

Now, this is what I bought at Borders... I am letting you that the first 6 books, I got for $4.00 a piece... yes $4.00!!! How could I not past that up!!! I mean... I was like a kid in a candy store!!! I thought it was Christmas!!! $4.00

still... $4.00!!!

Now, these last three, I used my 30% coupons to get these... I mean, while I was there... why not right...
I needed this one to start first anyway.... and 30% off....

Then, thanks to Barbara at Happily Ever After (yes, I urge you to go to her place as well). She has an awesome place!!!! She read and reviewed this book the other day and it sounds like a great get away story!!! And the author will be her guest on July 1st... so mark that down on your calendar's ladies!!!

And if I have to explain to you why I picked up this book... then you are not a true hussy at heart!!! Come'on.... lust look at it... I mean just look at it...

Thanks for letting me share before my computer goes wack on me again and I slam the damn thing down!!! PMS is a bitch!!!
So what are you plans this weekend....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Book Update

Beeepppp....Beep... Beeeepppp... Okay, so I am not good at the whole morse code thing...
But this is just in from Ms. Lyon's site (click here to share her good news ---> here)... that the book I anxiously waiting to be released has just be pushed up... instead of November... It is being released in October!!!! The actual sale date is going to be September 30th!!! YAYAAYAY... This would make a great birthday present for me!!!! I hear shopping trip is in order at that time!!!

To read the back cover, please click here!!!
Wanted to pass along the good news... So what is your good news?!?!?!

Finally... My Review of Broken by Megan Hart

• Paperback: 384 pages
• Publisher: Spice (May 1, 2007)
• Language: English• ISBN-10: 0373605153
• ISBN-13: 978-0373605156

The blurh:
This month, my name is Mary.
My name is different every month -- Brandy, Honey, Amy...sometimes Joe doesn't even bother to ask -- but he never fails to arouse me with his body, his mouth, his touch, no matter what I'm called or where he picks me up. The sex is always amazing, always leaves me itching for more in those long weeks until I see him again.
My real name is Sadie, and once a month over lunch, Joe tells me about his latest conquest. But what Joe doesn't know is that, in my mind, I'm the star of every X-Rated one-night stand he has revealed to me, or that I'm practically obsessed with our imaginary sex life. I know it's wrong. I know my husband wouldn't understand. But I can't stop.
Not yet.

The Short Summary
Okay, can you say I freaking love this book!!!!! This book is about a true and tried marriage. Adam & Sadie They met in college, the minute she saw him, she knew he was the one she was going to marry; even though he belonged to someone else. His relationship dissolved and they were inseparable from that moment on. They got married and not long after that, he suffered a paraplegic accident. It left him numb from the shoulders on down. Now, when you hit a rough spot in your marriage…. What are your thoughts?? Now imagine hitting the rough spot one year after you were married. If you know me, I love how realistic Megan Hart makes her characters and she DID NOT disappoint in this book. And truth be told, this is the first book that has ever brought me to full tears and loved every minute of it. The tone of this book melted my heart and tore at my soul. Besides Stranger…. This is my FAVORITE book by Megan Hart. This booked rocked my world!!!

The Long Version
Okay… now for the details!!! By the way… there are no spoilers.
However, the details will be not be full like normal because in order to give you my full thoughts… I would have to give you more story… and to give you more story… well… I would give some of the story away and I don’t do that!!! So, I hope what I am fixing to tell you will be enough to sway you to go out, buy this book and fall in love with Sadie, Adam & Joe!

The players

She is a woman after my own heart. First, you need to know that she is a very loyal person and a very devoted wife. There is nothing in this world she would not do for her husband. She has two different sides to her… the façade she puts on for everyone else and the real Sadie who wants so desperately for her world to go back to normal. She doesn’t want to bother people with the facts of her life, and that is what they are facts. Things that can not be changed no matter what. There is a passion that lies within her that has not withered away due to her husbands accident. She is a psychologist. She condemns herself sometimes because she knows the advice that she sometimes gives, is some that she should be taking herself. But life dealt her an unfair hand and she is playing those cards the best way she can. Especially with a husband who is partially unwilling…

Adam: A man full of passion for absolutely everything about and in his life.
Sadie describes Adam this way: "Adam thought and fought with passion burning bright. He was vibrant and alive in a way I envied, admired and coveted. He smoked. He drank. He rode a motorcycle fast on dark roads and had insane hobbies like bungee jumping.. He was brilliant and wild, my Lord Byron, whom Lady Caroline Lamb had called ""mad, bad and dangerous to know.""
The accident did not leave him without emotion or without a heart. He is a good man, I just found in certain ways, he was hard on Sadie. She tries to help him in many different way and be there for him the best she can be. But he does not share his whole world with her, and its hard to want to be somewhere where you don’t feel welcomed… even if it is with your own husband. He takes some of his anger and frustration out on her at times and for that I do not like him. But you never feel sorry for him. He does not want your pity, shame or guilt. He lives among the best equipment made for paraplegics. But he is allowing his wife to willow away.

Virtual strangers at first with Sadie. Lunch in the middle of their building complex. Polite, casual conversation. Over time, the conversation takes a turn into the personal side, at least for Joe. He starts discussing his sex life with Sadie. He describes all his escapades to her while they sit and enjoy their lunch together. He knows nothing of Sadie’s personal life, only the façade she gives him. But there is something driving Joe…

The Plot:
A new couple in all areas of their life. So much passion is between these two in the beginning. Sadie and Adam were made for each other. Being married a year and their future as bright as anyone‘s. Then Adams accident puts all things in a new perspective. The things they thought they would be able to do and have time for, no longer exist. Sadie spends all her time between her job and Adam. They received a settlement from the accident that allowed them to be able to hire a housekeeper and a "house" nurse to watch over Adam when Sadie is not home. But still, the housekeeper and nurses are expensive. Therefore, Sadie does not like to ask anyone to stay later than they normally would, because she feels like that is her job; her duty. Her lunch breaks with Joe is about her only "escape" time. The only time where she is not Sadie, wife to a paraplegic.

My Thoughts:
This is a couple of all couples. When life hands us lemons… most of the time we can make a Lemontini (just add vodka.) But seriously, when we hit a rough spot in our marriage what do we do… Sometimes, I just want to change my name and run away! But we stick it out and make the best of it. Well, put your worst day together with a life altering accident… and what would you do? Could you stick around and BE there for that person? Could you handle all that is expected of you? Could you be there, even if you knew your partner could NOT be there for you??
Well, Sadie is that person. The person that will never falter you, will always be there (no matter how much you shove her away). She is a very devoted wife. She tends to absolutely all of Adam’s needs; even if they run her down in the process. She has family that she could go see, but to explain why Adam does not want to get out of the house is a pain in the ass and then you have to defend why you don‘t go without him. Adam has all the capabilities as anyone to get out of the house, he has everything he would need to do so, he just refuses. So, instead of going, she just stays home; its just easier that way. Sometimes she hopes of snuggling with Adam and just simply being with him. But he makes it clear sometimes that he does not want her to be with him. It is like he is pushing her away. I know he was in an accident, but still… She is only human and female, with human feelings, desires, wants and needs. That, in itself, is rough. Being around someone, who at one time desires you nonstop… now hardly wants anything to do with you. It is depressing and leaves you feeling unsatisfied. But I love Sadie, because no matter what, she never gives up. Not even when things get the worst. Joe, to me, is what the doctor ordered for her. He gives her a small piece of normalcy or at least a piece of "non reality". If you call normalcy playing his escapades in your mind as yourself, well then damn, let her have that. Being deprived that much, yes it will make you do some seriously crazy things. I don’t blame her for having Joe in her mind. But she never cheats on her husband!! Devoted!

The Unexpected:
The ending. You will have to read the book. I am sorry. I really did not see that coming. I mean you can see the tension between Joe and Sadie, but I would havenever guessed that was what was going to happen. But OMG, when it did happen, I fell in love. I never expected to CRY. This is the first book in my entire life (yes, I really think so), that made me cry. It was a good cry and man let me tell you, it was worth it.

The Expected:
For me to fall in with the book - duh!!! The realness of the characters and how easy it is to fall in love with them ~ faults and all. If you know me… you know that I will always tell you Megan Hart makes her characters so REAL. So, I expected to fall in love and did I ever. I guess because every marriage has it bad days and good days, I expected this book to break my heart, pick it up and put it back together again. Nothing was sugar coated and I respect Ms. Hart for keeping it real. Even the ugly side of it… it’s all in there!

The Smut Factor:
Before Joe entered the picture, Sadie and Adams relationship was short, but explosive. That was of course, before Adam’s accident. It is to be expected for things not to be the same in that department after a life altering accident. But I give Sadie all the props in the world because she tried everything. She pushed the envelope with Adam. She tried her damnest to keep hold of some of their sexual relationship. Now enters… Joe. He is a very sexual man ~ especially from what we learn of his story times!! Now his stories will definitely get you hot under the collar or in our world… hot under your panties!! It’s an erotic book, so it is not light and easy on the sex… but it is not hard core in your face smutted out either!

What Pleased Me:
The whole book. Come’on… it’s a Megan Hart book… =) What did you expect from me. The whole story line pleased me. The characters, each one… even those that I did not mention, are very real. The story line of Sadie and Adams relationship was the best for me. It was everything a real life marriage is all about. Even with the accident Adam encounters. The good times, the bad, the really bad. But through it all… you will laugh with them, you will cry with them, you will love with them, and you will fall with them. But most of all you will believe in them!

What Displeased Me:
Okay… we are talking about a Megan Hart book and ME!! There was nothing displeasing to me about this book. The only thing had that me for a loop was Joe’s escapades and the name change… I was kinda confused at first… but then I caught on what was going on and what was going on in Sadie’s mind. But other than being confused… nothing displeased me!!!!

The Cover:
I love her covers. This one was no exception. The simple color tone, flesh and black. When you feel broken, are you sure of yourself or not… Look at where her hand is… at the stopping point of going to far. Her legs…crossed ever so slightly, no entrance. You get the feeling that she feels unsure of what the move should be…

Okay... here is all the info I can dish on her right now...
Here is her web site --->>> Megan Hart
Here is her blog site --->>> Megan Hart Blog
Please stop by and show her some love or give a shout out to her!!!

To get a complete list of what is to come from Ms. Hart please click --->>>here!!! I know I sure can't wait!!!

This is what is just around the month to come from her....
Deeper (click -->>here for an excerpt) ~ Please be watching your local book stores for this one... it is coming out in JULY 2009!!!!! Yes, that soon...
I hope you enjoyed my review.... I welcome all feedback...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Shopping Bag!

Okay... let's see what I have been up too!!! Before going to Red Creek this past weekend... my normal shopping on Sunday's lead me to buy some of these books... and others, I WON (YAY ME!!)... so without further adu... here is what's on my list of TBR now...


I bought Street Magic and Second Skin by Caitlin Kittredge before I even saw her on Bitten By Books and before I found her web site. For Street Magic it is #1 in the Black London Vol. series and for Second Skin, it is #3 in the Nocturne City (#1 is Night Life, #2 is Pure Blood).

Okay, now I have collected all the books in Christine Warren's series of The Others... One day, hopefully soon... I will start to read them!!!!

Now for this one... I am soooo excited to say that when I first started blogging.... this was the series that was raved about EVERYWHERE. I am excited to say that I now own all three... Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione

Now we just have to wait till February 2010 for the new book.... which I may have time to read the whole series before this one comes out... lol... here is the NEW COVER LADIES... Make sure to use the mops in the corner closet!!! For this cover model is smokin hawt and his tats are... let'st just say that I would spend all day tracing them for him.... and that happy trail... You see it Barbara!!!! ***WINK WINK***

These two book, I found at Wal-Mart for $3.96.... I bought them simply because for one, I can not tell you when was the last time I bought a book for this cheap (in a long time) and two, the covers and the blurhs were hot!!! Short little reads!!!!

Now for those that know that I read Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs and felt lost... I thought it was right of me to read the Mercedes Thompson series. So, I have started collecting this series!! I was proud of myself for buying the first one... Moon Called.

Edit: Thanks to Amanda.... I learned I had to series out of order....

Now, I forgot who's site had this as a contest as while back... (yea, you can make fun of my memory... I sure do!!!) OH wait... I remember who it was.... Alaine - Queen of Happy Endings. She had a contest and I fell in love with the cover (and of course the story). I will wait for the thrid book (Fraigle Eternity) to come to paperback. Melissa Marr's books: Ink Exchange (#2), Wicked Lovely (#1). Don't you love the covers, they are absolutely gorgeous!!!

Now, this book... I WON... at my fave author's place... Ms Lynda Hilburn!! He was a guest blogger one day... and I was the lucky commenter!!! Let me welcome you to Mr. Rick Taubold. He sent it to me in pdf format... so I will let you know as soon as I read this one. The two things that drew me to the books was in a particular part of the story it is set in New Orleans... and the family name of the people that he teased us with was Benoit... that is my family name. So, I just thought that was the coolest thing. Welcome to his vampire world...

Now this sweet little book... I found at Borders for $3.99.... yes, you read right... $3.99!!! I already had the book in my notebook to buy.... but when I saw the price.... OMG... do I have to tell you I would have fought anyone if they would have taken it out of my hands!!!
Lora Leigh's Nauti Boy's series!!! #1 is Nauti Boy, #2 is Nauti Nights, #3 is Nauti Dreams, & #4 is Nauti Intentions...

I found this and thought it was very interesting! This is a new author to me... Alisa Sheckley... Now... we have to read The Better To Hold You before reading this one ~ Moon Burn.

I won (YAY ME!!!) Man After Midnight at Lea's place... Closetwriter!! She is a huge Devyn Quinn fan...! Now this is a sequel for Flesh and the Devil! So, please read that one frist.... then Man After Midnight!

Now ladies... you will need to take a cold shower after you look at these covers!
I told these two men that I would rescue them from the books store the last time I left them there.... and low and behold... I did!!! ***grinning from ear to ear****let's just say that they were very nice in showing their gratitude****
Welcome to Ms. Elizabeth Amber's world and let me tell you what a world it is!!!!
I already have Nicholas (#1), Raine (#2), Lyon (#3) and Dominic (#4)!!! They are some special men!!!!

Thanks to Ms. Moonlight, I found this series... however, when I went to the book store... they only had a couple from the series... so I settled with this one... I just loved the cover. But I do plan on buying the rest of the series!!! This is Hidden Agenda by Lora Leigh!

This one.... I won (YAY ME!!!!) over at Megan Hart (one of my personal fave authors!!!!) place! Deeper... click on the word and fall in love ~ all over again!!!!

Now this one... his eyes were just calling to me... and his title... well.... Cynthia Eden knows how to write her men!!! I actually got lucky and bought the first one in the series!!!! Hotter After Midnight is #1, Midnight Sins #2 and Midnight's Master is #3. Midnight's Master comes out at the end of this month!!! So... hurry, go buy!!!!
Now, thanks to Dottie and her fae blood... She had posted this book at her place and when I saw it in the store... I knew I had to have it!!!! Mary Janice Davidson ~ Faeries Gone Wild. I think the name is just tooo cute!!!

Now, if some of you remember... Ms. Houston A.W. Knight had a super hero party at her place a couple of weeks ago with Ms. Carol Henry.... and this was the main prize!!! Well, my Hero won... and this is what I won ~ A Signed Copy of Amazon Connection!!!!

And.... (I know Barbara is proud of me) I won this at Lust In Time's place!!! A Signed Copy of Ms. Jennifer Haymore ~ A Hint of Wicked...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Before I Forget....

forgot to mention this in my What's Going On post...

My dear friend Caffey's Read is hosting her first contest... This is from her place:

Contest:Now here's my first contest on my blog. I love to share what I've read with others. And I thought one way to do this besides posting about my reads on the blogs as well as my love for visiting my reader friends blog is to give out a book that was read once by me, so know its not a new copy but very gently read by me.
She just wants to share in the joy of reading... Head over there and tell her I sent you!!! That way she knows we are spreading the love for our fellow bloggers!!!
I have to share this with you... I saw this is at.... The Book Resort' s place... she is a doll!! Team Edward still Rocks!!!! But those arms are looking mighty.... tasty!!!!

Then Ms. Larissa Ione announced today that her new book.... Ecstasy Unveiled... Now has a cover... and let me tell you... OH WHAT A COVER IT IS!!!!!! Delicious!!!!

My Fictional Smutty Boyfriend.... =)
