This blog award has been passed on to me along with nine other bloggers. The rules of this one are to list ten honest things about yourself and then pass the award on to ten other book bloggers.
Ten Honest Things About Me:
Wow... Never really knew how hard this was to do... until now... Let's see...
1.) I have a stuffed animal (His name is Mr. Owl... he is a stuffed pillow owl) that I sleep with. I have had him since I was 2 years old. If he is not in bed with me, then he is on the side of my bed.
2.) I sing in my car... really loud and I jam out too... (Yea, other drivers must think I am nuts)! But oh well.. at least I am rockin out and having a great time. I sing so loud sometimes that my voice is hoarse!
3.) I love to eat raw chocolate chip cookie dough. The pilsbury dough boy ones that are already ready to bake... yea.. I eat one each time I bake cookies! (That would go for yellow cake batter... raw... and brownie mix...)
4.) I went deer hunting with my husband one year... and did not see a damn thing. Except how beautiful mother nature could be at 4 in the freezing freaking morning.
5.) I believe in "you treat people as you would want them to treat you." Because everything comes back around sooner or later!
This is really hard...
6.) I love to talk to God. For because of him, I am a true princess... because my Father is the King!
7.) I miss the old days... when things were simpler and slower. (Elaing will laugh & Missy will have a snifful)
Myspace was your room. Facebook was getting to go see over at a friends house. Cell phones were the imaginary phones we played with. Twitter was the birds chirping. And who misses rotary phones and hating someone with a zero or nine in their number...
8.) I talk to myself... everyday in case you are wondering.. and yes, sometimes I answer myself back.
9.) I still love watching cartoons.
10.) I went para-sailing once and absolutely loved it!
I am not sure who has received this award and who has not... So, I am going to play the tag everyone who reads this and wants to play!! Just come back and give me a link... so I can learn something about you!
Ant the second award she gave me is... The Great Look Award... Isn't is beautiful!
This award is meant to pat on the back the ones paying particular attention to their blog presentation.
And the rules here are:
1. Post the award on your blog, with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 5 other blogs that your particularly like. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Then I received this award from Ms. Moonlight....
Now this is really hard.... For I think every blog that I follow is kick ass in it's own special way. I mean... really... we all kick ass. But I will play the rules as followed... I don't want to get my ass kicked....
Leontine from Leontine' Book Realm... okay, if Beefcake Preview night is not a good enough reason... Her freaking Bartenders are... but seriously, this is my smutty hussy sista!!!! She is the freaking Queen at KICK ASS blog!!!
Chris from Stumbling Over Choas... from her links to those two damn precious cats of hers... Her blog kicks ass... because she is always telling you where to go for some kick ass contests!! She loves to share her links like she loved to share her damn cover hussy books that make me drool!
HAWK from Houston A.W. Knight... Omg... She is Irish and she freaking rocks. We swap wine, cookies, cakes, m&m's and jelly beans... Just ask Leontine!! And her damn contests that make us think or google, lmao!!!
Mandi from Smexy Books... her name says it all!! She is freaking rocks apples with her reviews... and her "made up movie" with Edward was enough for me!!!! She keeps my debit card on the damn run!!!
Dottie from My Blog 2.0... Oh if you have not seen Tink, what are you waiting for!! Tink gives you the low down on where to go for the contests around blog world!!! And she is a Tink lover!!!! And her reviews... she is another on that keeps the debit card running...!
And now... I pass the torch on... Thank you so much for everyone following my blog!!
But I ask one thing of all you... Just check my blog roll because there are some new blogs that I have been following and they are awesome!!! Time is not allowing me to do the things I want to do.. and that is list them all for you here... But if you know.. and you know who always comments here... You all freaking KICK ASS in my book!!!!