The Mark of The Vampire Queen
ISBN13: 9780425219324
ISBN: 0425219321
BINC: 9091809
Series: The Vampire Queen Ser.
Age: 18 and up
About the book:
Description: "Full servant." With his new title, Jacob must attend to Lady Lyssa's every need, venturing into a world of passion darker than he's ever known. As a vampire hunter he wasn't prepared to embrace a world where humans are sexual commodities, but he has adapted. Now he finds the integrity of his soul challenged as he serves his Mistress's needs as fully as he services her desires. He loves her, though other servants warn against giving her his soul. Everyone knows that Vampires have no regard for humans, so why would a Vampiress bother treating a mere sex toy with respect? But Jacob knows a human servant is far more than that. His Mistress needs a warrior, a friend and a lover. A man who will serve her in all ways, even if he has to betray the priceless treasure of her love.I obtained this information from Borders.
This is my own personal copy and this review is for my own viewing pleasure.
First off let me say that I loved The Vampire Queen's Servant. This is part two in Jacob's quest to win his masters heart and soul. I will not say that you must read the first one... but to understand the world that Ms. Hill has created for these two and what they have gone through to get there, you really should read the first one.
Okay... moving forward...
The romance between Jacob and Lady Lyssa is very breathtaking. Their relationship blossoms into the fullest it possibly can. Jacob has received his third mark; which means that he has bound himself to his Master until death. Imagine saying our wedding, you say: till death do us part... now imagine if that were true, your spouse died, you died with him/her. This book does not deter away from the BDSM parts of Ms Hill's style. Her writing style just simply amazes me. To read her books (the two that I have) will throw you in a world of her very own. Be prepared to go on a journey you will sure to be enthralled in.
Lady Lyssa is slowly dying and Jacob will do everything in his power to stop that from happening. Along with her sickness, there is the meeting coming before the Council. Lady Lyssa is trying to pave a better future for the vampires. One of her goals is to address the issue of permanent asylum for the fugitives in her territory. And the other is to push for them to become more civilized by only needing to kill one human a year for them to maintain their strength. But some vampires do not agree with her thinking and want to over throw the Council. and her. So the plot thickens...
I will tell you this though, this story left me wanting more... It's in the ending, but I am not quiet sure where and that is my problem. I am not sure if her being of two heritages got me, or that she shifted, or that the love did not go the way I wanted it too (yea, I am selfish like that) or what... but something was missing for me. Maybe the power struggle... the grand ending. I will struggle with this and it will bother me... Because I love this woman's writing!!
I love what has become of Jacob and his Master. The journey he goes to get there. If there is a man out there like Jacob... oh please let yourself be known! This man will do anything, everything and back again for his woman. OMG... Jacob remains my Sex on a Stick man.
There are two more books after this one, but they are stand alone. The characters flow in and out of them... but they are stand alone.
The Vampire's Claim is the third book. Here for details. It came out in March 2009.
The Beloved Vampire is the forth book. Here for details. It came out in August 2009.
Vampire Mistress is the fifth book. Here for details. It comes out in May 2010.... This one is Jacob's brother's story... Oh yea... I am waiting!!!!
To read my review of The Vampire Queen's Servant, please go --->>> here.
To learn more about Ms. Joey W. Hill, please visit her website --->>> here.
Sign up for her newsletter, look around at her other series.... It is an awesome place!
Hope you all enjoyed the review!

Hi, Cecile! Very good review! I know what you mean when you say that the ending didn't feel right - I hate when I feel left wanting more. I'll give this series a try (when I get some time :))
ReplyDeleteI've only just heard of this series last week. I ended up with book 3 but am not sure if I should read it without reading the first two books....
ReplyDeleteCecile hon, you had to add to my anticipation for the arrival of this book didn't you *wink*
ReplyDeleteI love the voice Joey W Hill had as an author and the depth in her stories...I don't know how I am going to feel about the ending. Jacob and Lyssa sound like intriguing characters to get to know.
And Cecile, yes I did enjoy your review!
Great review! I need to order the first book, me want me want *g*
ReplyDeleteAH - I need to read this series! This Mr. Jacob sounds quite yummy :)
ReplyDeleteI've heard about this author so much..must check her out.
Ok, your review has me intrigued - might need to add this series to my TBR list!
ReplyDeleteHi Cecile :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you're having a great week, and thanks for that excellent review. They do sound intense, and my interest has sure peeked ;)
Intense. Hot. Vampires. And a man devoted to his woman. What more do you need??
ReplyDeleteI need to get a hold of this series. It sounds like my kind of book.
I know what you mean about endings. Sherrilyn's latest, BORN OF FIRE was awesome, but the ending was just okay. Endings are a hard thing to make right. I think they are harder to write than beginnings.
Have a great day, girlie!
Thank you for your visit Cecile. I'm glad you dropped by our blog. We share the same passion: the novels.
I keep hearing about this author. It's a sign that I need to break my book diet again isn't it? :) Great review, thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Cecile,great review.I love the covers of these books.
ReplyDeleteI still need to get the 1st 2 books in this series..I just have so many books I need to read :) They're starting to take over..lol.
Great review Cecile! And your little teaser of something missing from the novel that you can't put your finger on has me dying to read it to see what I think for myself. I have this one in my TBR but I'm currently devouring Hill's mermaid books.
ReplyDeleteOh and I saw from Hill's newsletter that she's coming to visit your hussy haven. Can't wait!
Hugs, VFG
Hi Cecile!!! Great review! I haven't read these yet but they sound very interesting and I love vamps at as you know so I would probably really enjoy them. It's one of those that I have seen and thought about getting but just haven't yet. Hope you had a great hump day!
~Host! Hey honey! Thanks for coming by! I know how busy your schedule is! Hope all is well honey! Thank you. I did feel like I was left wanting more than was given. But I do love these two characters. Not sure what I wanted, but I wanted more...
ReplyDelete~Patti! Oh Patti, you must go read my review of the first one. It was an awesome book! Now, book three is stand alone, but she and her servant show up in book two. You don't have to read those two to understand her relationship with her person. But they are great!
~Leontine!!! Hey there honey! Oh girl, you know I gotta give you something to look forward too!!! Oh I could not agree with you more, I love Joey W. Hill's voice in her books. I am still not sure how I feel about the ending. I just wanted more.
~Pattepoilue! Hey honey!! Thanks for coming by!! Oh yes, I must say, get these books! These are some great books!!
~Mandi!! Hey honey! Oh Jacob is freaking awesome! He is a Sex on a Stick man!!! He is all kind of yummy!
~Chris! Hey honey! OH... Happy Birthday week to you!!! Intrigued you should be at this series! They are a must add on your TBR list!! I think you love Ms. Hill's style.
~Blodeuedd!!! Hey honey! I am having a good week... I hope you are having a great week too! You are welcome for the review. Thank you for reading it! Well, for as many books as you give me to go look up... I figured I could give you a couple, lol!!
~Kira Daniels! Hey honey! Girl, this book is loaded with all kind of goodies!! And Jacob!!! OMG!!!
Yea, now that I am getting glimpses into the writing world, I see that it is all hard to write, so my reviews take all of that into consideration. And I was left wanting something... something more. But what I want, what the author wants and the characters want are all different. LOL!!
~Veronica Bennet! Thank you very much for coming to visit. I really hope that you come back. It is a pleasure to have you hear. I will be back to your place, but I am afraid that I do not read Italian. But I will be back regardless! Thanks for coming! Ciao
~Fiction Vixen! Oh what... you don't have this author in your pile some where... Go. now. get! What book diet, I won't say anything. Promise! =)
~Elaing8!! Hey honey! Thank you! Oh, that was the first thing I noticed about these books - the covers. They draw you in this world. And I love that she is the Queen and has her servant. Not many books allow the woman to rule! LOL!
Oh and I know what you mean, my TBR pile has started throwing books at me everyone once in a while... They are mad at me... Well not mad... They just want me to read faster, lol!!
Have a great day/night everyone!!!
Thanks for coming by and reading my review!
~VampFanGirl!! Hey honey!!! Miss you! Thank you! I am okay with the ending... I just wanted more... and I am trying very hard to think of what is the more that I want... and I am not sure... I am glad that I could finally tease you with something, lol!!! I am not sure if she is coming to my hussy haven... She is going to Leontine's!!! Hugs to you too honey!
ReplyDelete~JennJ!! Hey there!! I am so glad that you could come over! Thank you! Oh they are very interesting... and you will love the vampires in this series. They are very dark... and it is very sexy. But I will say that I can NOT wait for Gideon's story!!!!
Hey hon,
ReplyDeleteI so want this book but this time I want to read them order so I have to get the first too. Creditcard is not happy about that!
This book sounds so wonderful. I already read Beloved Vampire and I love the way Ms. Hill writes.
Great review!
Have a nice week.
Oh Cecile, well I do not read well the English language, but the translator helps ^-^.
ReplyDeleteI will see you soon.
Greetings from Italy.