Are you ready to go Trick or Treating with...
...the Wing Slayer brothers??Ladies... I hope you are still with me for this awesome party I am having!!! My house is still rockin... I hope you are up for this guest today, because she brings us some awesome treats!!! **Evil wink and wicked grin**
Please help me welcome, Ms. Jennifer Lyon to the house!!!! ***YAYAYAYAY***
And if you come to my place enough and see my side bar... You will know that Ms. Lyon is the author of the freaking amazing book Blood Magic with the hottie of hot Axel and her new release of Soul Magic is out this month!!!
Now, I met Ms Jennifer over at Axel's club ~ Axel of Evil Club ~ for this conversation! And let me tell you... that man knows how to entertain!!! So, pull up a seat next your favorite fire pit...

Pick your poison well... because this Wing Slayer in training...

(Axel allowed him to be our bartender for the day) is serving the drinks!

So, now that me and Ms. Jen have our drinks... let's start the conversation!
Ms. Jennifer, it is nice to have you here!! I am so glad that you asked me over here instead of my place. I think Caleb needed a break poor thing! I am starting to wear him out!
***Getting very comfy in the Evil chairs***
Ms. Jen, can you please tell you a little something about yourself?
Sure! I met my husband at the dog pound when I was eighteen and lived happily ever after. How’s that for romance? We have three sons, and it was while my sons were very small and my husband was working on his master’s degree that I decided to go after my own dream of writing. It was a long process. I went through eight years of rejections, but I kept at it, pushing myself to learn my craft while digging within myself to find the right stories to tell. Then one day, I got the call.
I, of course, wasn’t home when the call came. Story of my life, LOL! But the editor and I finally hooked up and the rest is history.
I will say that I love what I do. It didn’t come easy, but I’m doing something I enjoy, something I believe in and something that I think has value as entertainment. So I when I hit problems, struggles and setbacks, it’s still tough, but my love for what I do keeps me going.
What are you currently working on?
The fourth book in the series. This will be Key’s story. I just finished the third book (with a working title of BLIND MAGIC.) That book was hard to write, but I love it! And now Key’s book looks like it’s going to be just as hard. These hunters are tortured alpha men, which are my favorite kind!
****YAYAYAYAY, did you read that ladies.... the fourth in the series!!! OMG!!! I sooo can not wait for these damn books!!!****
What are your pet peeves (one or many)?
In real life? Rude people on cell phones. Seriously, it drives me crazy.
In books? Heroines that slap the hero (hmm, have I ever done this in my own books?) It bugs me for a couple reasons. One is that women tend to be more verbally skilled than men. We don’t need violence to get our point across. Second, if you hit someone, you might get hit back. Third, if this is the kind of book that calls for violence (and some do) then I want my heroine to hit hard, not slap, LOL!
In a song could describe your life, what song would that be?
I went from a sort of BORN TO RUN (Bruce Springsteen) trying to escape and find something better, to WIND BENEATH MY WINGS (Bette Midler). My husband is my hero, and he’s the man who gave me the strength and courage to reach for my dreams.
For my hunters, I like THE ANIMAL I HAVE BECOME by Three Days Grace. I actually looked for some songs that I thought summed them up. Funny story: I was in the kitchen, listening to my iPod while cooking. My adult son came home to visit and was shocked speechless. He couldn’t believe I was listening to the same music he works out to at the gym. I laughed, and hey, I’m not old!
What is something that most people would find surprising about you?
I always feel like there’s nothing surprising about me. I’m pretty boring in real life, and I like it that way!
What do you love/like most about your birthday?
That my husband goes to so much trouble. A bit over a year ago, I was in Atlanta on my birthday. When I got home, there were presents stacked on the coffee table and a cake in the kitchen. He never forgets, and always makes me feel special.
What has been your most memorable present?
It was an anniversary gift. We’d agreed on no gifts as we were going to do something special on the weekend. So we had our regular family dinner, then my husband asked the kids to get out their left over Halloween candy that was in a plastic pumpkin. But I, as usual, told him to leave their candy alone. The kids, however, jumped up and got the pumpkin. My husband handed the pumpkin to me and said, “Can you find me some candy?”
I was so annoyed. I mean seriously…
Then I looked inside and there’s a small, square wrapped box. My heart started to race and pound in my ears. I picked up the box.
My three sons were so excited they were bouncing in their seats.
My husband laughed (sexy chuckle) and told me to open it. It was a diamond encrusted anniversary ring. When we got married we were buying a house and so we just got plain gold bands. I never had a diamond, now I have a beautiful anniversary ring with inlaid diamonds.
It was the best gift ever because it was given with such love, because he involved our sons and because it symbolizes a great marriage.
****can you say awwwwwwwww.... what a man you have... You see that Wizard... You are an amazing man!!!****
When was the last time you dressed up for Halloween? What were you?
Hmm, I think the last time was at a Bunko party where my husband dressed as a medieval warrior and I was a wench. We weren’t being historically accurate; we were just having a blast!
Right before we were married, we went to a Halloween party where I dressed as a sexy witch. My husband took pictures, blew one up and had that hanging over the workbench in the garage for a decade. The neighbors never realized it was me until we told them.
Scary Movie person yes/no? If yes, which is your favorite scary movie?
No! I love suspense and thrillers but not horror movies! I occasionally read horror books. I read Stephen King’s SALEM’S LOT and THE SHINING in high school. Many years later I read MISERY and am still traumatized by that book!
Haunted house... yes/no? Have you ever been to a haunted house?
It’s been years, but yes! They scare me and make me laugh at the same time.
Now in honor of The Wizard (that is Jen's husband)... I found this cake for us to munch on... So, please cut yourself a piece of cake and enjoy.... Make sure to keep going.. because the treats just get better!

I am squealing with delight... the treat for today... Are you sure you ladies can handle this...

Ms. Jennifer has a couple of copies (I am so hoping to get my hands on one)....of Soul Magic... ***hyperventilating.... omg*** Yes... you read right... Soul Magic!!!!
Now the giveaway will start today... Just comment here... ask Ms. Jen a questions... hell, you can ask me a question... and make sure you leave me an email address to get in touch with you!
The contest ends on Sunday, November 1st... and I will announce the winner that Monday!!!!! What a present... to be able to give you guys a present! The contest is open to: you ready for this... EVERYONE!!!!!
Cecile, thank you so much for inviting me to your blog!
You are more than welcome Ms. Jennifer!!! I hope you enjoyed yourself... just as much as I did!! Thank you for making time to play with us over here!!
Now... If you would like to see what Ms. Jennifer's place looks like and drop her a line... Please go to her site --->>> here.
If you want to see the interview she did with Axel... Please go --->>> here.
Be warned, he is something else!
If you would like to read my review of Blood Magic (just be warned... Axel is my Sex On A Stick man), please go --->>> here.
Now, if you would like to purchase the first book... to get your hands on the second one.. please go --->>> Blood Magic

Now, if you would to get your hands on Soul Magic... please go --->>> here. You really need to get to know these brothers!!!!

Now... I have given Caleb the night off... Yea, this is him on an off night... Doesn't he look delicious! This man has put up with all of us women for the whole month... He deserves a night off!!!

Caleb has really been a good sport about being the bartender here, don't you think ladies!!!
He is such a wonderful birthday present. A fellow blogger saw him and she immediately thought of me!!! And handed him to me on a silver platter... So my friend... I want to thank you for giving me the man of my blog!
I hope you all have had a wonderful time partying with me!!! Stick around.. because I am not sure if I am done or not... You never know with me!!! ***very wick grin***

OMG, Cecile and Jennifer this was an awesome blog - I loved the story about the ring. It's so romantic.
ReplyDeleteNOW for the books - I'm gonna get me those! OMG - love the covers...and from the sounds of it the stories sound good too!
WooHoo, I'm off to do a wee bit of book buying today!
Hi Cecile, and Jennifer :)
ReplyDeleteFirst let me say *faints in a pile of drool* Ok that picture was just too hot. Mmmmmm
Yay open to all is always awesome and I have not read these books. I have seen them around since I entered the lovely world of blogging though.
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
By the way I think the ghost managed to sneak into this thread, cos I sure did not write my email twice.
ReplyDeleteHi Cecile and Jennifer!!! Loved the interview! The books sound very interesting!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you Caleb for the refreshments you handsome thing you!
*And Cecile hon come on over to my place for a little surprise!* ;)
Good morning ladies!!
ReplyDeleteFirst I have to say, I picked up my copy of Soul Magic yesterday and I have a little less than 100 pages to go. Cecile - you are going to flip over Sutton. He is definitely in the top ten of fav alpha males I have read this year - I will explain why in my review! HA!
Jennifer - Key is the fourth book! Yay! Who is the hero in Blind Magic? I can't remember if you mentioned it on your site...and now I must know. I heart Ram...big time. I need his book..just sayin ;)
Good Morning Cecile and Jennifer,
ReplyDeleteGreat interview.That story about the ring was so sweet.
I haven't read the first book...yet...but have been told its made of awesome :) (if I'm not mistaken it was Cecile that told me that)
I'd love a chance to win Soul Magic.Alpha males..**sigh**
I'm running off to get Blood Magic.
I can't wait to read the series.
Jennifer,How many books will be in the series,will it go past the 4 you mentioned?
As for Caleb...Cecile, don't fool me :) I know you have him tied up back in the barn at your place ;)
**looks around**There you are fly boy**wink**you're in for a treat with us ladies today
**already oogling the new eyecandy**I see the shirt didn't make it to the bar either :D**
Please make me one of those flaming drinks :)
A piece of cake would be nice too,it looks yummy,like you,oops did I just say that out loud**blushes**
Good Morning Cecile and Jennifer!! it hot in here cuz I'm a little warm this morning (and no I'm not having my very own personal summer...aka hotflash)Very nice pics Cecile!!
Awesome interview, I'm new to Jennifer's books and now know I need to get them! :)
Happy Wednesday :)
Good Morning ladies!!! Thank you for coming! I have to tell you that, you know me and my men... and my authors!! And Jennifer is no exception ~ she freaking rocks this world with these men!!!! If you do not have her books.... YOU MUST GO GET NOW!!!! Now that I have gotten that out the way!!
ReplyDelete~HAWK!! Morning to ya honey! **Blushes** Thank you. You know I try to make my place where everyone loves to come and enjoy "whatever" they want! When do you get the books and you get a chance to read them, you must let me know what you think!! OMG... Axel is just absolutely delicious... and Mandi is telling me Sutton is just as worthy!!!
~Blodeuedd! I see the ghost are jumping post today on us huh...!! Strange, but good! At least they are letting me know that you REALLY want to win! =) I am glad that you love the eye candy this morning. I drooled the whole time I was at Axel's bar with this guy.. yumme!
~JennJ!! Hey honey! Glad you could make it and I am glad that you loved the interview! Ms. Jennifer was wonderful to interview! Girl, her books are absolutely wonderful!
Isn't Caleb just handsome... He stuck it out the whole month with us! Think I might reward him in the barn later!!! **evil wink**
And I will be by your place in a little while!
~Mandi ~ you little tease you!!!!!! I so can not wait to get this book in my hand!!! OMG!!! I can not wait to get my hands on Sutton... I mean his body... I mean his book! Honey, you know I will be devouring your review...!
~Elaing8!!! Morning honey! Thank you! Wasn't that such a sweet story! **blushes, just trying to spread the word of an awesome book** Girl, run to the store or online to get Blood Magic. I promise it will stay on your keeper shelf!!!
***really blushing red.... tied up.... well, I did promise to take care of him...***
Don't ya love the Wing Slayer in training... He is delicious. And no, the shirt did not make it pass the door. Hawt!!! And those drinks are just as freaking hawt as him!! Oh and the cake is just as delicious as him as well, hee hee!!! I had to sample things before bring to my place... You know, I don't want to bring something I know you ladies are not going to like... So, I had a few bites and nibbles here and there... **Evil grin and wicked wink**
~Blanche! Morning honey! I am so glad that you came out to play with us today!!! Girl, it has been hot in this damn place all month long!!! I think I have had my own personal summer here!!! LOL!! She is a great person to interview! And her books... well... they freaking rock!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness - those pics are enough to wake anyone up - just what I needed!
ReplyDeleteThese books sound great - hot alpha males = yummy!! I'm looking forward to reading these books.
Jennifer, congratulations on your latest release. Your husband sounds so sweet and I don't know why but I love that he had your photo hung over his shop bench :)
Hi Cecile and Jennifer, Awesome interview ladies!
ReplyDeleteI have the first book on my shelves because of Cecile and I'm dying to know these alpha men better, especially since one of my fav Three Days Grace songs best describes them!!
Jennifer and Cecile, you both had me laughing out loud! What a great blog today!!! Jennifer your hubby sounds amazing. I love the Halloween pumpkin/anniversery story. Made me tear up!
Hiya Cecile and Jennifer
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to hear there's more of the series coming. I love Blood Magic and and am really looking forward to Soul Magic.
Your book pet peeve about slapping heroines is too funny. It reminds me of my dad, an old fashioned southern farmer, - he always told his only daughter "don't slap a man unless you expect to get slapped back and if you do - hit him first, fast, and hard preferrably with something heavy - you don't want him gettin' back up anytime too soon. You get home to me and I'll take care of the rest." I swear that was part of the father-daughter talk right after I hit puberty! Gotta love those old fashioned guys. annhonATaolDOTcom
Great post! Unfortunately I haven't read any of Ms Jennifer's books but now I really can't wait to start :)
ReplyDeleteGood morning everyone! (It's morning here on the West Coast!)
ReplyDeleteCecile thank you again for having me! And a very Happy Birthday to you! I see you have a freaking hot present named Caleb! And you are nice enough to share :-)
Houston A.W. Knight (Hawk), Thank you on the ring story. I've never told that story before, Cecile got me to talking and stuff just spilled out. So glad she didn't ask any really embarrassing questions, LOL!
Blodeuedd, Nice to meet you here! I hope the Wing Slayer in Training bartender helped up up from your faint :-)
JennJ, glad you enjoyed the interview. I'm telling you, Cecile can get anyone to feel comfort and spill their guts. She's amazing.
Mandi, hey! Great to see you here! And thank you so much! I've been fretting about whether or not you liked the book :-) Phoenix is the hero in book three, and he's totally blindsided by the heroine! And by the way, you just made my day saying you heart Ram!
ReplyDeleteelaing8, hi there! So far I'm contracted for four books, but as of today, I have ideas for about seven books. So we shall see! Hope you enjoy Blood Magic!
Blanche, wonderful to meet you! That picture is heat producing, isn't it?
Patti, hi! My husband loved that picture, and probably loved that it embarrassed me :-) I really love hot alpha males too...taming them is so much fun!
ReplyDeleteTricia, is Cecile awesome about keeping us up to date on the latest books? That's so cool that you like the song! I was happy dancing (not something anyone ever wants to see!) when I found that song. It's so perfect.
Book Junkie II, I'm telling you, it's all Cecile, she makes me laugh too! I don't think I've ever had such an easy and fun interview! I'm glad you enjoyed the ring story.
Cyberclipper, hi and thanks so much on Blood Magic! And your dad, awww! He sounds like the best kind of dad. You're a lucky gal! But yeah, slapping heroines bug me, LOL!
ReplyDeleteHost, nice to meet you! It's fun to fine new-to-us authors, isn't it? Cecile never lets us down!
Great interview, girls!
ReplyDeleteAnd I must say, I love coming here because I always see some hot man-candy. You haven't let me down yet, Cecile.
Woo-Hoo, Jen!! Told you your book would be a smash! :P
What a sweet hubby you have Jen. Your wizard is awesome. No wonder you write such fab hero's.
I love it when a heroine hits the hero. But REALLY hits him. In the first book I wrote, my heroine slugs the hero right in the jaw. He was a very alpha and tortured hero too and yes, he deserved it. I was so proud of her! It was one of my favorite scenes.
I'm asking too, how many books do you plan on writing for the WS?
~Patti! I am so glad that you could make it! Honey... He woke me up for sure!!! He is allll yum-ME!!
ReplyDelete~Tricia! Hey honey! Thank you! I am glad that you could make it! **Blushes, you know I just love sharing an awesome book with you**
~Book Junkie II! I am so glad that you could make it! I had a blast with Ms. Jennifer!! She is a trip! The Great Wizard... He would so love this post Jennifer!!
~Cybercliper! Hey there honey! Glad to see you today! Always glad to hear that she has some more men, I mean books coming!!!
**I have to say that I love your dad's advice!!!** And so right he is too!
~Host!! ((hugs to you honey))
Thanks for coming today!! It means a lot to me that you came!
~Jen, I am so very thrilled to have you here!!!! Thank you for coming over to play with us!! I hope you have and still are enjoying yourself as much as I enjoy your place!!! Thank you for the birthday wish too!!
**blushes... I just love sharing awesome books and authors when I find them**
~Kira Daniels!! I am so glad that you found time to come here honey!! Thank you... I do try to find the best of the best to have here... I figured if I have to look at them, they better be freaking hot!! And tasty!!! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteSlugged the hero huh... And he deserved it... Hum... will have to investigate that book!!!
Jen knows we love these WS's!!!!
Wow, congrats on the new release. Your books are fantastic.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us know about the journey to getting published. That is very inspiring.
Cecile, that book isn't pubbed, as I am not pubbed, YET, but maybe one day I'll post that scene over on my blog. It really had me smiling. I love tough heroines for my tough heros. :D
ReplyDeleteJen, I just read Axel's interview (I hadn't read it before) and I loved it!!! At least I'm not nuts. I did an interview of my hero Jake for my last book. It went something like that, too. My DH thought I was nuts, but we're not nuts, we're writers. *beg*
Okay-- going back to Jen's blog to drool. You girls are looney if you think he's not H.O.T.
Awesome giveaway becuase the books sound super fabulous! Hope you have a wonderful day!
~Violet Ingram, welcome! Love to have new people around! Hope you enjoy yourself! Thanks for coming by!
ReplyDelete~Kira Daniels!! It's his belly button and his hair... Other than that.. yea, I will give the poor guy props... but that belly button!!
**Snaps fingers... damn! I want to read it now!** One day... One day!
I am with you on that one, my fave heroine is a tough cookie!! Don't you just love Axel's interview!!! I had to include it when I found it!!
~jeanette8042!! Thank you for coming over honey! I hope you have a wonderful day too!|
ReplyDeleteKira, you did tell me, LOL! Before I forget, let me answer your question, I'd like to give all the hunters their story then end with Wing Slayer's story. But that's just a vague plan subject to the whims of the publishing gods :-) Now, doesn't Cecile have some yummy man candy? The woman knows how to throw a party!
ReplyDeleteViolet, thanks! My journey to publishing was long but worth it. I learned so much along the way, which is great, but the best thing is all the friends I've made. Romance: Women supporting women!
Jeanette8040, hi! Thanks so much for coming by!
Heh, those drinks are one way to cut down on eyebrow plucking... ;)
ReplyDeleteCecile, you sure know how to throw a party, girl! Jen, I'm haunting the front porch waiting for the man in Brown. My copy of SOUL MAGIC has been out for delivery since midnight. LOL! It better show up soon or I'm going to unleash Erika's flying monkeys again!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Lady Cecile! May you enjoy every moment of it!
Great interview! My question is How many books in total will there be for this series?
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
This was a great blog to read on this happy hump day!! Thanks for stopping by. I am definitely getting book 1 immediately to get started on the series.
rosie0512 @ hotmail . com
Hi Chris, and thanks for the laugh! Love your comment!
ReplyDeleteHey there, Silver! No one throws a party like Silver do they? I've got my eye on that cake :-) I heard a rumor that your book arrived! Yay!
Raelena, Hi! I'd be happy to write as many books as the publisher and readers want! Right now, I have about seven story lines floating around in my head, but more pop up all the time!
ReplyDeleteRosie, I'm having a blast here (and not getting much work done!) I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. Cecile is the best!
Great interview. The ring in the pumpkin was definitely an "aaawww" moment.
ReplyDeleteDru, hi, great to see you here! Thank you on the ring/pumpkin story. Like I said, not sure how Cecile got that story out of me--she's clever!
ReplyDeleteCecile, Happy B-day! You've got some really nice eye candy here. Better than the failure that Jen tried to serve us. (Sorry, Jen ;) )
ReplyDeleteJen, love the music story. One day when I was listening to my MP3 player, Disturbd "The Curse" came on. That one really made me think of the Wing Slayers, esp. the chorus. Three Days Grace "Animal" makes me think of another character from another series. Gotta get back to SM. Sutton's calling :)
Dawn, LOLOL!!! Yeah, I definitely failed today at my blog! But I laughed all day at the priceless comments!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to look for that song!
Okay, don't want to keep you from Sutton, go read ;-)
What an awesome post. Thanks! It was great.
ReplyDeleteThe books sound wonderful I am going to have to watch out for them. I see a trip to the bookstore in my future.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Jennifer, I would like to know if you realize how lucky you are. A husband that makes your birthday extra special. Mine just asks me what I want for my birthday. Aaarrgh! lol
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
~Chris, LMAO!!! Oh to funny honey! I am so glad that you stopped by!!
ReplyDelete~Silver James!! Hey honey!! I am so glad that you could make it! Girl, I love throwing a party!!! And a party with hot men... is my specialty!!!! If you do not have your book in hand tomorrow... I will find the Flying Monkeys myself and make them search high and low for your book!!! My promise! Thank you my Lady Silver for the birthday wish!!!
~throuthehaze! I am glad that you could make it! Thanks for coming over!
~Rosie, welcome! Nice to meet you! Thank you for coming over! You should get the books immediately!!! They are freaking awesome!! This woman is amazing!!!
~Jen, I am glad that you like the cake! I thought of the Wizard for that cake, lol!!
~Dru! It is so good to see you here! Thanks for coming!
~Jen: "not sure how Cecile got that story out of me--she's clever!" I am very clever!!! It's those sneaky shoes... I have improved them!!! LMAO!!
~Dawn! Thanks for coming over honey!! And thank you for the bday wish!!! You are too sweet! I love me some eyecandy!!! I know how to pick out my eye candy!!! LOL!!
But I gotta give it to Jen... when she says fail.. she means it... We just have to work on the "worthy" ones!!! Some of those (okay, most) have been failed lately!Expect that last one... Kira wants him all to herself!
~donnas! Thanks for coming over. Glad you enjoyed yourself! The books are past wonderful... they are freaking amazing... awesome... drool worthy... SEX ON A STICK!!! That says it all!
~ddurance! Thanks for stopping by honey!! Now... come'on, cut your guy some slack. Remember, he is a man... And he is thinking like a man! They do not read our minds. Believe I know... sometimes my hubby is just a wee bit to honest with me about "what men think," lmao!!
ReplyDeleteHi Jennifer and Cecile!
ReplyDeleteLoved your interview!! Your husband sounds entirely too cute and very romantic! Thanks for sharing that piece of your life with us.
Now, do you think you could teach my husband to be that romantic? lol. Where do we send our husbands who haven't a romantic bone in their body, to become educated in ways of romance???
Thanks for keeping the party going Cecile!
Dottie :)
Thanks for the wonderful interview! Congrats on the release, I loved the first book in this great series and I'm so looking forward to reading this one too!
ReplyDeleteeva.silkka at
~Dottie, when you find that place we send out hubbys to learn romance, make sure to let me know. I'll send mine with yours! He teases me all the time when I say something..."I am not one of those men in your books." I just shake my head. No, but if you were... well... LOL!!! Thanks for coming by honey! I appreciate it! Isn't Jen's hubby the best!
ReplyDelete~Eva S! Hi, thanks for coming over! Oh, so you read the first one. Isn't she amazing!
Hi Donnas! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview!
ReplyDeleteDeidre, LOL! Yes, I do know how lucky I am...most of the time. The Wizard is a man, after all, and you know, he can irritate me :-) Last night I was trying to work and he was making up songs just to bug me. Men.
Dottie, maybe I should have a seminar on training husbands to be romantic? Too funny! I think I just got lucky. Plus I buy him his favorite candy whenever he has a bad day :-)
ReplyDeleteEveS, thank you! It's always a thrill to hear when a reader enjoys BLOOD MAGIC! I will always love Axel!
Cecile, just want pop in again and say THANKS for the best guest blog! I've had a blast! You know how to rock cyberspace with an awesome party, girl!
ReplyDeleteStanding Ovation for Cecile!
**blushes** Thank you Ms Jennifer. I hope you had a blast being here. I am very sneaky at getting things out of people. It is my witchy skills!! I love having you here and getting to hang out with you!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!!
I want to know about who is your favorite secondary character. I think they are sometimes what makes the story.
Great interview ladies!!
ReplyDeleteJennifer, I absolutely loved your anniversary story. You definitely caught yourself a hero that day at the pound. ;)
I admit that I haven't read your books, but I've heard so many good things about them. I also know that Cecile and Mandi absolutely love you. That's enough for me to buy them!
;) VFG
Ailcia0650, that's a hard question on the secondary character. I love all the hunters, that goes without saying. I also love Wing Slayer. In BLOOD MAGIC, the first book, I loved Joe who is Darcy's cousin. He always looked out for her.
ReplyDeleteIn the second book, hmm, I'm going to have to think about that.
VampFanGirl, hi there! Ceceile and Mandi are fantastic at getting the word out about authors and books! I always trust their advice on books :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you enjoyed the anniversary story.