It is time to announce the WINNERS for my Riptide Week!!!!
My winner is ~~~~ Emmettmke (!!!
Tuesday was Rachel kindly is giving away anything from her backlist... Except Crescendo.
My winner is ~~~~ Maria (mariaml254 at yahoo dot com)!!!!
Wednesday was Damon Suede ~ First Wave Winner’s Choice: Pick any one backlist book from Rachel Haimowitz, Aleksandr Voinov, L.A. Witt, Brita Addams, or Cat Grant (“Frontlist” books, i.e. Riptide releases and newest non-Riptide release, are excluded, as are the Courtland Chronicles).
My winner is ~~~~ Booklover0226 (booklover0226 at gmail dot com)!!!
And finally Thursday was Rhianon Etzweiler ~~ First Wave Winner’s Choice: Pick any one backlist book from Rachel Haimowitz, Aleksandr Voinov, L.A. Witt, Brita Addams, or Cat Grant (“Frontlist” books, i.e. Riptide releases and newest non-Riptide release, are excluded, as are the Courtland Chronicles).
My winner is ~~~~~ Elaing8 (elaing8(at)netscape(dot)net)!!!
The rep from Riptide should be emailing you guys shortly!!! Just give them a few days! =)
Congrats to you all and thanks for coming out and showing your support!!! I hope you stick around because I will have more to come in December from Riptide!!!!!
And remember... Keep it Dirty, Smutty & Hussy!

Thank you.And congrats to the other winners