Well, I think you all knew it...
It was only a matter for it to come out...
I am a Shameless Smutty Hussy....
That is why I found myself wanting to play with these wonderful ladies!
Check them out... You will see why!!
But I am trying to get together some Extra Spicy Prezzies for you!!!
So.... Stay Tuned!
This is what is said by Jen......
The Shameless Giveaway Hop is open to anyone who wants to give away a book or a book related prize. It doesn't have to be dirty. It can be anything from YA to a book of randy limericks. Whatever floats your boat. There aren't alot of rules. We just ask that you have your post up by 12:00am on Friday, January 20, 2012. Keep it up through 11:59pm Friday, January 27, 2012. And include the button & the link to the full list of participating hops. That's it. --Oh. And if you want to include a man candy photo in your post somewhere, nobody will complain. (We might even be grateful.)
Bloggers and authors are all welcome to participate. (((((Just hop over to Jen's place to sign up))))
--Jen (Red Hot Books), Brie (Romance Around the Corner) & Michelle (Michelle's Book Blog)
This is a list so far of who all the blogs that will be playing together...
There are some very smexy stuff going on here!!!
- 1. Red Hot Books (Int) 9. Cocktails and Books (Int)
- 2. Poison Rose 10. Bona Fide Reflections (US/INT)
- 3. Romance Around the Corner (Int) 11. Natasha Blackthorne (Int)
- 4. Michelle's Book Blog (INT) 12. Another Look Book Reviews (CAN/US)
- 5. The Book Nympho (Int) 13. Happily Ever After - Reads (US/CAN)
- 6. Fictional Candy (Int) 14. Jessica Rabbit's Corner (Int)
- 7. Shari @ Seduced By The Book (US) 15. Cecile Smutty Hussy (Int.)
- 8. Love To Read For Fun
(Submissions close in 57d 15h 42m ~~~ This is as of November 18, 2011 around 8:30pm EST)
And remember... Keep it Dirty, Smutty & Hussy!

OMG, I'm shameless I want this book!