The Story
When Andie Miller goes to see her ex-husband, North Archer, to return ten years of uncashed alimony checks, he asks for one final favor: A distant cousin has died and left him guardian of two orphans who have driven out three nannies already; will she take the job? Bribed with money and a need for closure, Andie says yes, but when she meets the two children she realizes things are much worse than she feared. The children aren’t any run-of-the-mill delinquents, the creepy old house where they live is being run by the worst housekeeper since Mrs. Danvers, and something strange is happening at night. Plus, Andie’s fiance thinks it’s a plan by North to get Andie back, and since Andie’s been dreaming about North since she arrived at the house, she’s not sure he isn’t right. Then her ex-brother-in-law arrives with a duplicitous journalist and a self-doubting parapsychologist, closely followed by an annoyed medium, Andie’s tarot card–reading mother, her avenging ex-mother-in-law, and her jealous fiancĂ©. Just when Andie’s sure things couldn’t get more complicated, North arrives to make her wonder if maybe this time things could be different….
I obtained the above information from Ms. Jennifer Cruise's web site.
I was given this book for review purposely only. All thoughts are strictly my own.
Fast forward ten years and Andie is in the process of "out with the old and in with the new." She was being asked for her hand in marriage by Will. But before she said yes, she felt she had to clear the air with North ~ or at least that is what she told herself.
What do you do when you think the magic has gone, withered away... died? What do you do when you see that that love is a once in a lifetime thing and the chance you thought you blew ~ you may have that chance again? Do you take the chance knowing there is a high probability that your heart will break again, do you walk in knowing you are doomed because of the past you shared together? Well... let's find out what happened with Andie and North.
North was left with two orphaned children ~ Alice and Carter. He knows they need special help and he knows just the person capable of giving them what they need ~ Andie. They have been through three nannies and North was running out of ideas when the idea came to him... literally. The only thing North did not count on what how much Andie needed those kids.
This is an amazing story of woman discovering herself all over again ~ ten years later. And I will promise that you will fall in love with these kids. Alice and Carter touched my heart and made me want to take them home with me. I am not a big fan of stories with children in them because then I do not feel like I have escaped my world... but Ms Cruise did a fan-freaking-tastic job of making me fall in love with those kids and brought out the Mama Bear in me. I wanted to smite the housekeeper and the other ghosts that were in that house.
This is a romance story, but it is also a journey into the heart and soul of a woman finding herself in her world. There are a few hot scenes in this novel that had my fingers burning up. This was a very edge of my seat kinda book. Ms Cruise did a fabulous job with crafting the tale of one woman, two men and a bunch of other crazy people. I laughed, I teared up, I even wanted to dance around in my house and bake banana nut bread! This story is a very riveting read! I suggest it for anyone who wants a romance story... with a hint of crazies in (enough to make you giggle).. a story that will make you check your liquor cabinets... a story that will make you want to literally want to push that person over the damn edge of the railing... and most of all... this is a story that will make you see those second chances are not all that bad... and well.. Maybe This Time around it is the real thing!
Please feel free to go visit Ms. Cruise's web site ->> here.
To see more about the story, please go ->> here.
The Giveaway!
Nicole, from of St. Martin’s Press has generously offered up ONE copy of
~Maybe This Time ~
which the publisher can mail to a winner within the U.S. or Canada!
So... what's expected of you...
Leave a comment letting me know you would like to be entered
and an email so I can get in touch with you!!!
Good Luck!!

Ah! You do not have a copy of this! I've been dieing for this book, Jennifer Cruise is one of my all time favorite authors, please sign me up for the giveaway.
I love Jennifer Cruise's work. Please sign me up.
Hi Cecile
ReplyDeleteHope your week has been good and that you have a good Friday the 13th ;)
And oh yes Crusie, I have read a few of her books and she is funny
Not entering - but I'll go add this to linkity!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a book I would really enjoy reading.
~*Jessica Rabbit*~ Hey hon! Ohhhhh yes, I had a copy of this book... **holds it so Jes can see**
ReplyDeleteThis is a very intriguing book to say the least! It was an awesome read! And you are signed up hon!
Thanks for coming over! =)
Have a great hussy day!
itsjustme1217~ Hey there! You are in! Thanks for coming over!
Blodeuedd~ Hey honey! I have had an okay week but today is Friday so TGIF!!!! Oh I love Friday the 13th!! I hope you have a great day too honey! I thought you might like her books! I am sorry it is not international... (*sniff*)
Chris~ Hey honey! Okay.. I appreciate it!!! Thank you! Hugs to you and TGIF!!!
debbie~ Hi there! Welcome and consider yourself in! Thanks for coming!
This book sounds amazing!! Sign me up please.
Oh, most definitely I'd LOVE to read this. Second-chance romance is my favorite theme and it's a new CRUSIE book!!
ReplyDeleteThank you =)
jenma76 at hotmail dot com
Alicia060~ Hi there and welcome!!! I hope you enjoyed your stay here! You are counted in!
ReplyDeleteScorpio M.~ Hey there!! Long time, I hope all is well!!! And thanks for popping in!!!!! You are in honey!
I LOVE Jennifer Crusie. She is seriously one of my top favorite authors.. I'm so glad Chris posted this on her linkity post! Enter me please!
ReplyDeleteohmorningglow AT aol DOT com
I enjoy her reads, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com
ReplyDeleteI would so love to read this. Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeletebacchus76 at myself dot com
Don't enter me..just wanted to say I enjoyed your review :) I haven't read Jennifer Cruise yet
ReplyDeleteWoo Hoo...it's Friday the 13th...always a great day for me!
ReplyDeleteAnd this story reminds me of a certain porch with a Mr. V and Miss H...
Great review honey!
Morning Glow from Novel Addiction~ Hi and welcome!! Thanks for following the bread crumbs from Chris's place!!! Considered yourself in!! And again, thanks!! Love meeting new people!!!
ReplyDeletetetewa~ Hey hon, you are in!
donnas~ Hi and welcome! Thanks for coming over and consider yourself in!!! Hugs!
Mandi~ Hey honey! Aww, thanks for coming over honey! I am glad that you could make it over! I do have to say that I will be finding more things by Ms. Cruise!
Have a great weekend hon!
Houston A.W. Knight~ Hey honey! I am so glad that you could make it! You need to come back to let me know if you want to be counted in honey!!
Hey Cecile!
ReplyDeleteNo need to enter me. I just wanted to swing by, check out your review and let you know that it rocked!
I'm so lovin' me some North. From the moment he walked onto the page, I was in love.
Hugs, VFG
Awesome review this sounds like a great read! Another author I haven't tried as yet but have heard a lot about! I have to try one of her books sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteBIG HUGS my dear!!!!!
Great review Cecile. I have not read anything from this author before,so please count me in for the giveaway
Hun! just stopping by to say hi. How's everything???
ReplyDeleteWill try to stop by more often.
I must be the worst blogger ever known.
JennJ~ Hey hon!!! Aw thank you! This is a great book. You would really enjoy this book and with the touch of paranormal in it, it would be satisfying! Very! =)
ReplyDeleteBig hugs honey!!!!!!
elaing8~ Hey honey! Thank you This is an awesome little (I should not use little.. lol) book! And you will love North!!!! Oh yeah!!!! HOT!
Hilda~~~ Hollaaa!! Hey Girlie!!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope all is well honey!!!!
And you are not the worst blogger! Love you hon!! Hugs!
I am a follower. This is a really great book I can't wait to read. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
ReplyDeleteCount me in. I want to find out how she comes to the conclusion that she needs closure with her ex and all that's going on in the house with these characters.
I would love to win a copy of this - thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeletewinnieayala at yahoo dot com
Please count me in. Love love the authors work.
ReplyDeletecindyc725 at gmail dot com
Im UK and cant enter, but this book looks SO interesting, im gonna have to check it out after reading your review hun! =)
ReplyDeleteTore~ Hey there!! This was a very good book and I am glad you came. You are in hon! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLeni~ Hey there!! You are in hon. Oh this is an awesome story... and you will love the ending!
Amanda~ Hey there! You are in! Thanks for coming!
I ♥ Book Gossip~ Hey Cindy! How are you?? I hope all is well! You are in hon!
Sparklybearsy~ Hey honey love! How are you!! I am sorry.... If I could, I would have included everyone... But it is not being shipped by me. I am sorry... but I do hope that you get this book. It is a great romance read!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
It's been a while since I've read any of Jennifer's books and after reading the blurb I keep asking myself why I've not read any of them lately.
Jennifer is one of my favorite authors. I love her witty writing. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of her new book!
ReplyDeletecastings at mindspring dot com
Sherry~ Hey hon! Oh man, this is a good book! I have to give credit where credit is due! =) Wonderful book! You are in hon!
ReplyDeletecheryl c~ Hey there! Welcome! You did nail it, very witty in her writing! You are in!
I would love to win a copy. Sounds like a wonderful romance.
ReplyDeletecarolsnotebook at yahoo dotc om
I'd love to be entered! Thanks!
I'd like to be entered
carolsnotebook~ Hey honey! You are in! It is actually a very wonderful romance! Thanks for coming over honey!!
ReplyDeleteallisonsbj3~ Hey there!!! Welcome and you are in!! You are welcome!
Jennifer Mathis~ Hi there! Nice to see you! You are entered!
Love the sound of this one.. liking the kids angle...
ReplyDeleteGlad to know it wirked for oyu...
Love a good book! Hopefully I can enter the giveaway even though I'm in South Africa?
ReplyDeleteHey Cecile! How did I miss this one? You know I love my PNR and Contemp romance and this looks like mix!
ReplyDeletebookaddictpatti at cox dot net
I would love to read this.
Erotic Horizon~ Hey honey!! I was surprised that it worked for it. Very glad that it worked. Ms Cruise's voice is a very clever one! I did fall in love with North... Oh he is all sorts of yummy! And I was little afraid of the kid angle, you know me and kids in books... But this one was pulled off to where you just fall in love with the kids right away! Hugs honey!
ReplyDeleteA Daft Scots Lass~ Hey there! Thanks for coming back! It is nice to see you again! I am very sorry to have to say this though that the publisher is doing the shipping and it was there rules for US and Canada only. I will email her and ask though... =)
Patti (Book Addict)~ Hey honey!! Oh girl, you have so much on your plate... it is okay if you miss a few posts, lol. This is a very wonderful mix of PNR and Contemp. And North... just watch out!! **waggles eyebrows**
Dru~ Hey honey!!! How are you!!! I will shot you an email soon! You are in hon!
Did I make it in time???
ReplyDeleteThis was a fantastic review, Cecile!! Really! You have me sold on this one! I have to admit that I don't like children in my stories either - at all! (I also don't like married couples! *giggles* I think I have issues! :P) But, after your review, I definitely want to see what this is all about, plus meet one Mr. North!
amongthemuses @ gmail . com
Tanya~ You did make it in time!!! Woohoo!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you honey! This was a very delightful, wonderful book. And I can not agree with you more. I have a thing with kids being in the story... I don't like them. But this one, Ms Cruise made it work. I mean... I wanted to adopt them kids (and that meant that Mr North came with them too!!!). It was a riveting story!
And the marriage thing... yeah, normally I do not read those kind either... And I am married, lmbo. I have issues as well, lmbo!
So much alike you and I!
Well, I am glad that I could show you something you might not have taken a look at it before! Hugs to honey!!!!
Smooches and hugs!
Oh and believe me... You will want to meet Mr North!!
I would love to read this!! Awesome cover, and the book sounds fan-fricken-tastic!!
ME! ME! ME! I wanna be entered too!!
Wonderful review Cecile! I'm hearing such good things about this book!
ReplyDeleteCallMeKayla~ Hey hon!!! I do have to say this is a wonderful book and the reviews (besides mine) are really great! I think you would enjoy it!! Thanks for coming over honey!
ReplyDeleteJanette Harjo~ Well hey there!!!! How are you!?!? I hope all is well honey!! You are entered. You made it just in time!!
Tricia~ Hey honey!!!! How are you?? I hope all is well! Thanks for popping on over! This is a great book!!!!
On this comment, the contest is closed. You are welcome to leave any comment you would like, just know that the contest is closed.
Thanks for coming!
Hi Cecile
ReplyDeleteI would love to read this book. I read the first chapter at Crusie's web site & was instantly hooked.