Sunday, July 21, 2013

All I Want And More Blogger is Moving.......... To Wordpress

Hello Ladies and Gents...
I seem to have taken the plunge of making the move...
I have to say that the move kinda scary...
But All I Want and More Books, Smutty Hussy has moved to Wordpress....
My blogger will be available with a post that will redirect you here...
I am not sure if I have done it all correctly, so PLEASE make sure you change your bookmarks,
any Bloglovin, Feedly, Feedburner links... Again, I think I have done it correctly...

But just in case....
If you find something that doesn't work... please let me know... I want this prefect! :)

And remember... Always keep it Dirty, Smutty & Hussy!Photobucket


I want to thank you for stopping by my place... I hope to see you again!!
I hope you enjoy my little bloggie home as much as I do!
With hugs, love and smiles... Cecile

My Fictional Smutty Boyfriend.... =)
