Ladies and Gents of the Hussy Lair....
Please raise your glasses and give a warm welcome toast to a new author
~Rhonda Print~
If you have been to the Lair, you know that I just read Ms. Rhonda's book ~ Nightwalker: Leah Wolfe SINS Novel. And if you really read my review.... You will know how much I freaking loved this book! So, it is only fitting that I beg, plea and gravel to get this woman at my place... To pick her brain!
This woman rocked my freaking world ~ upside down, inside out, all a way around! She brought back the basic things that are needed for an awesome story.... Well, I can't tell you what she brought to the table, because I am praying that you went out and got your own copy and read it!! But if not... oh well... You will have to cuz I am not giving it away, lmbo!!!
I am not sure that I can contain my enthusiasm to have her here!!!!! But I promise to try my best or at least my men will help me to rein in my happy thoughts!! Okay okay.... enough of me telling you how great this woman is... Let's meet her!
Welcome Ms. Rhonda!
How are you today??
I'm great! The second book of the SINS Novel Series. The Order of Chaos will be released on October 10th and I'm dancing in my desk chair!
Allow Lucien to get a you **looks up and down at Lucien... Damn the man takes my breath away** a beverage.... What would like you like to drink, Ms. Rhonda?
Ooo, Sangria sounds lovely.
Why don't you tell us a little about yourself.... Something that we cannot Google about you, lol!
Looking for my deep, dark secrets huh? :) I'll never tell. LOL I'm the mom of three awesome kids with a wonderful husband too! I've always wanted to write and when my youngest went off to school, I thought, what the hell, I'll give it another try. NIGHTWALKER was born and so it began! My web page and blog at will give you some sneak peaks at my current and upcoming works. I'll hope you'll stop by and visit me!
Since you are a new to me author, I am hoping to bring you to the light of others! So share away!
Your current book, Nightwalker... I have got to hand it to you. You blew me away - which is not easy to do I may say... You did an amazing job with the story! You really give your readers everything and more in your writing... You had my heart breaking, pulse racing, and hand itching to slap the shit out of someone - OH and let's not forget - You will have me looking in the shadows hoping my own Ian comes out the darkness...
How much emotion did this story take from you to write?
The characters brought the story to life in NIGHTWALKER. They "talked" to me all the time,occasionally, even changing the plot line and leaving me pulling my hair out for a couple of days! It was an awesome ride and I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
What can you give us about Leah, Ian and Joaquin without giving away too much?
Leah is a survivor. She's met a LOT of adversity in her life with grace and a kick-ass attitude. I loved it when she finally told, *well, you'll see* off and made her stand.
Ian is...well, Ian. He is definitely and alpha male and that often doesn't sit well with Leah. His mysterious nature is intoxicating.
Joaquin is also alpha and he's had his chance with Leah and blew it. But that doesn't stop him from pursuing her. I love his, *no not that, well, that too* but, *hmmm* why don't you just tell me what you like about him.
What is your favorite part of the book?
Wow, I love the whole book. I mean, obviously, I wrote it. But still, the characters really pull this story toegether.
How many books are you shooting for in this series??
There are so many stories to tell and I plan on discovering each one!
Because let's be serious... You are going to give me more!!!!
***wicked laughter is heard throughout the lair***
What was your favorite scene to write?
Another toughie. The fight scenes were the most challenging for me to write so I enjoyed them most.
And what would be your favorite scene to be stuck in.....
***If you read the book... ***
****YOU would definitely know what would be my favorite scene to be in, hahahaha****
Other than the obvious, *clears throat* shall we say, fun scenes. I love the interaction between Leah and the people she cares about.
Which was the easiest character to write and the hardest ~ and why??
I've been told by my friends and family that a lot of Leah's smart-ass comebacks come from me. *Who knew?* She was the easiest and the hardest one to write.
**Oh, I know who was hard. hahahahahah**
What are you currently working on?
I'm polishing up a diferent paranormal romance book tentaively titled GUARDIAN. I'm also working on a story based in the Arizonamountains. I've been tweaking a contemporary romance called FORGET-ME-NOT, as well.
Do you have anything due to release soon?
Do you have anything due to release soon?
THE ORDER OF CHAOS released on October 10th with Liquid Silver Books.
***Cough, cough.... my next book if you know what is good for you... Cough, cough***
What's one thing that you enjoy about writing?
The unlimited possibilities of the story.
And since we are covers hussies here.... What is your favorite cover?
NIGHTWALKER, of course, Cover artist April Martinez really nailed Ian's eyes.
Okay.... personal time!!!! Oh yeah, I go there... Hahah...
If you thought you were safe... Nah... Forgot it... Not a chance! We will start off slow and easy, I promise!
What is on your night stand/dresser?
What is on your night stand/dresser?
My kindle.
What are you listening to you right now?
What are you reading right now?
And what has been your best b-day present ever??
Hard and Quick Time! Don't think... Just answer! Okay, before we go this route, I will get us a refill on our drinks... I will be right back...
What are you listening to you right now?
Nothing. I like the quiet when I work.
What are you reading right now?
Again, nothing. I have to finish GUARDIAN and my mountain story before I'll allow myself to fall into a novel. But Laurell K. Hamilton's HIT LIST is the next one I plan of reading.
What is your favorite season? Holiday?
Fall in the desert southwest is amazing. Favorite holiday? Christmas.
And what has been your best b-day present ever??
My husband and children bought me a birthstone ring one year. It is my absolute favorite gift ever!
Hard and Quick Time! Don't think... Just answer! Okay, before we go this route, I will get us a refill on our drinks... I will be right back...
**Lucien enters the room.. "I am just in time for Quickie Time..."**
You know you do... Quickie time... Think fast....
Are you a quickie kind girl?
Slow and sensual.
Dark or Milk Chocolate?
Whipped or Melted?
Straight up or with a twist - sex?
I have to choose?
What's ur fave drink - in a glass or on him?
Sooo many choices...
I'll never tell.
Junk or Health Food?
Depends on my mood.
Ties or Chains?
There's a difference?
Leather or Lace?
Can't I have both?
Soft or Hard... Bed, where was your mind?
You know where my mind was. LOL
Control or Be Controlled?
Hot Wax or Whip Cream?
Whip Cream.
Vampire or Werewolf?
Again, can't I have both?
I will leave you guys with a teaser from the next book....
He turned me around and melted me with a look that skimmed me from the top of my head to the toes of the stiletto heels that I still wore. I started to kick the shoes off but he stopped me. “Leave those on.” His voice grew deeper, sultry.
I did a little spin that would make any runway model proud. He grabbed me and tossed me onto the bed while we laughed. “Yes, definitely keep the shoes on.”
“You owe me.” I reminded him.
He stripped off my jeans and flipped me onto my stomach. He began caressing my neck, my shoulders, then further south; alternating between gentle sweeps of his hands and a firmer kneading motion that sprang Goosebumps from my body. I felt the bra strap come undone before his hands slid to the flimsy piece of elastic of my panties. His fingers trailed them down my legs until he removed them completely. Then those magic fingers began caressing their way up my legs, teasing the tender skin on the back of my knees and inner thighs. I heard the Velcro of my holster tear away and felt the weight of my pistol lift off my waist. “Nightstand.” He murmured knowing that I felt more secure if I knew where my weapons were. Then his mouth blazed molten lava on my thighs and I forgot all about weapons.
And remember... Keep it Dirty, Smutty & Hussy!

hahaha I absolutely loved this interview! You are so enthusiastic about the books, I'm itching to get myself a copy like, NOW! .. and no, it's got nothing to do with that teaser you left us... *cough, cough* ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat interview ladies.I have this series on my TBR list.Also,love both covers.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! :D Though I think both of you may have gotten distracted by Lucien a few times... *Wink*
ReplyDeleteI'll have to add both books to my list--they sound amazing. The covers are gorgeous...and, okay, based on the teaser and the comments from you two the passion sounds like it's red-hot! Lol. Why wouldn't I read it?! :D
Hello ladies,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed the little taste of The Order of Chaos. For those that expressed interest, the link to buy Chaos is
It released yesterday and I can't wait to hear what you think of it! I'll be stopping often today, so leave a comment. And don't forget, you can also find me at
Happy Reading!
Hey ALL!
ReplyDeleteI too have read this book and everything Cecile says about it is true! IT IS AWESOME!!! A great story indeed! Wonderful writing and a great plot!
Great review Cecile! Love it and the book!
Big hugs
*fans self* Oh my! This sounds intriguing, Rhonda, to say the least! Good luck with it!