I'mmmmm back!
Okay... I am sorry I went all MIA on your guys all weekend long...
A few family things came up, nothing major...
Just life takes presence over online world sometimes....
However.... I am here to report on the 1st Annual Blogger Meet & Greet!!!!!!!
Let me start off with OMFG..... We had a blast!!!!!!!!
Things like this should really be illegal!
Thought I should get that out the way!
The bloggers that met up are: Courtney from Paranormal Fantasies,
Patti from Book Addict, Hannah from Taunt Society,
Crystal (not sure if she has one, sorry Crystal, I forgot to ask), and me!
These ladies are hilarious!!!
I can not remember when I laughed so much in one day - hell in one afternoon.
We all met up at Books-A-Million in Lake Charles, LA for around 10:30ish. I was the first one there. Which means I got to walk around and find me some goodies to bring home with me (and no they were no cute guys to try to take home... so I had to settle for a few cover models, lol).A few family things came up, nothing major...
Just life takes presence over online world sometimes....
However.... I am here to report on the 1st Annual Blogger Meet & Greet!!!!!!!
Let me start off with OMFG..... We had a blast!!!!!!!!
Things like this should really be illegal!
Thought I should get that out the way!
The bloggers that met up are: Courtney from Paranormal Fantasies,
Patti from Book Addict, Hannah from Taunt Society,
Crystal (not sure if she has one, sorry Crystal, I forgot to ask), and me!
These ladies are hilarious!!!
I can not remember when I laughed so much in one day - hell in one afternoon.
As I was looking at the *cough* little hidden section of erotic books (yea, they took the hot and steamy books that normally just get grouped with Romance and put the way out in BFE **bon-fuck-Egypt) I noticed that a woman passed me looking very much like Hell Kat from Paranormal Fantasies..... So, I pulled out my phone to text her - what... I am not looking like a stalker, going up to a complete strange and giving her a hug and then introducing myself only to find out that is NOT her.... What and get shot, I dont think so!.... Anyway.... as luck would have it... It was here and her friend!! Yayay for me!
Then after we browsed for a little while.. I began to wonder if Patti had showed up and sneaked in... realizing we never exchanged numbers... Yeah, you guessed it. I had to become the stalker person and "check" everyone out to see if that was her! Well, as luck would have it... when I saw her and she saw me... yayay it was instance success! Then Hannah showed up... And I figured it was Hannah cuz she was talking to Patti!
So the gang was all there!!!! We all made a dash to the java place and got our favorite drinks and went settle down! We had a blast getting to really know one another. I simply cannot wait to do it again... Who says we have to wait a year! Screw that!
Our personalities meshed so well together. We all got along and laughed our asses off. Conversation was all over the place... it was not solely on books or what we read or our blogs.... it was genuinely a very good "girl" time!
We sat and talked until our tummies started growling at us to fed them... Yeah, we sat and talked and hung out for that long!! Hannah was the brave one that went to venture to find us a place to eat... How you might ask... She went up to one of the workers and told them they better tell us the best place for grub or she would beat them up... No I am just joking about that last part... Hold on... Well... Maybe that was me.. Cuz we were hungry, lol!!! Anyway... we all gave credit to the worker at BAM cuz she directed us to one of the best po-boy places we experienced!
I am sorry to say that I forgot to get the pictures of BAM and us in there... and drinking our coffees and all.... Really, I am. But here is one of all of us at Darrell's (the poboy restaurant)!
Hell, it's only 3 hr drive!!!!
What looks good for you!!!!
It was awesome.
I wish we (the blogging community that we chat with) all lived close enough to all meet up...
Oh man, what an experience that would be for the poor place we picked, lmbo!!!!!
But seriously, this was an awesome thing to do and I am glad that Courtney and I got together on this!!!
And next time... I am spending the night Patti and Hannah -> so make room!!!!!!!
Next time, I will take more pictures... I promise!

Hi Cecile, Looks like you guys had a blast. It was would super fun if we all lived closer together. LOL!
Hey Cecile! You just get more and more gorgeous in each photo I see of you! It looked like such a fun time. Talk with you soon :)
ReplyDeleteDon't those hours just fly by? You've had an awesome time, and even if you got to post one pic it was a good one!! I keep promising myself, one day...one day I hope to join a blogger meet and greet :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you get to do this more often hon, the fun, the laughs, the talk, it can be so invigorating for the heart and soul!
That's great! Sounds & looks like you had a wonderful time together. And nice loot!
I had so much fun - will definitely do it again! It was so fun to meet you and I hope we meet again over Labor Day!
ReplyDeleteLucky for me I get to go in late this morning but I will be late getting there if I don't get going, but I had to read about the trip and make my comment before I begin my day...I love the pictures Cecile! You look fab!
ReplyDeletebig hugs - I'll tap you later today when I get home!
Hi Cecile,
ReplyDeleteSounds like you guys had a fantastic time.
You got quite the haul too. I knew you wouldn't leave without a few books ;)
What a riot! And to add to the treat of meeting friends - books too! :D You go girl. **hugs**
ReplyDeleteSounds like a blast! I missed you this weekend! =( You should have called me while yall me and we couldve just pretended i was there! HA! lol
ReplyDeleteCall me soon before my vacation! =) Love you prissy-poo!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you guys had a blast.
I don't know nary a one of you but I am glad you had a great time. I just LOVE the books and can't get enough of them!!
ReplyDeleteIt does look like you had a fantabulous time! And you did get some hot books...I have quite a few of those myself!
ReplyDeleteHi Cecile!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea, I wish I lived closer!!!
Oh, it looks like you had such a great time! And how sweet is Patti?! :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome :D
ReplyDeleteYou girls sure had a great time, wish I could have been there too, and of course browse that bookstore lol
Looks like you had a wonderful time!! Yay!!
ReplyDeleteHi Cecile!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you all had a blast...how fun! Thanks for sharing the picture! I'm going to a blogger meet up on Saturday and I can't wait!:)
Sounds like fun! Totally agree...there are so many online friends that I am dying to meet and probably never will.
ReplyDeleteIt's sweet of you to let us share in the fun. Looks like you all had a great time! Wish I could've been there ;) Loveya!
ReplyDeleteHey Anna! Thanks for coming over! We did have a blast! Seriously, think of the fun we would have if we all did live closer! Oh gosh!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
Cassidy, hey honey! You are such a sweet talker.. LOL! We had a great time! It was fun to finally meet people you talk with online! That was cool! Check your email!
Leontine! Hey honey! Oh girl, those hours just zipped right on by! It was so much fun!
You need to head one up on your side of the pond. I mean you get together with your gang all the time! Just call it a blogger meet and greet, lmbo!!
I am hoping we can do this more often too, it was awesome!
And yea, you are soo right ->>"the fun, the laughs, the talk, it can be so invigorating for the heart and soul!" It truly was!
MsM! Hey there!! Thanks for coming over to peek at the fun we did have! Just wishing that we all lived closer!!
Patti!!! Hey honey!!! OH gosh, I had a blast! It was soo much fun getting to meet you!!!! And of course.. we are doing it again soonn!!!!!! And Labor Day... Ugh, yeah!!!!!! I am just glad that I got to make my ONE DAY.. come true for a few people!
Houston! Hey honey! Thank you for making time to come over to my place!!! Hugs to you! We had a great time! We need to plan one for that side of the states.
elaing8! Hey honey! I wish you were not so far from me! Ohhh you know I was not leaving without a book in hand! Come'on now... LOL!!! You know me better than that! LMBO!
Hey My Sweet!!! It truly was a riot!! We had a blast! Hugs to you honey!!! Wishing you lived closer!
Monroe Dawson!! Hey my honey!! I missed you too this weekend. Never thought of that... Could have you on speaker, lmbo! Well.. one day... One day..
Hugs to you!
Dru! Hey hon, thank for popping over! We did! I think I can honestly say that we all had a great time!
The Kracken! Welcome to my Lair. I hope you enjoy yourself! Well, I am glad that you stopped in for a visit!
Lissa! Hey honey! We did have a great time! It was amazing to finally meet people!
And my books selection... **a hussy does not blush** I fell in love with some of the titles before I saw the cover... then the blurb, lmbo! But I love them all!!!! A few more than others, lol!!
Hey Brande!!! How are you! I wish you lived closer too!!! To bad there is not a one stop shop place where we all could met up that is central to all of us!
Oh, Chris.. Patti is awesome!!! Such a sweet woman!!! It tickled me to be able to meet them all... Patti cuz she is closer to me!! So, that was cool! And we all had a great time together!
Blodeuedd! Hey honey! Thanks for coming over! I wish you could have been there!! I will take pictures of the store next time, I promise!
Fiction Vixen! Hey honey! Thanks for coming on over! We did have a wonderful time!
Hey Blanche! You are more than welcome. I think it is cool when we can share things like this. I mean, that is our purpose to share! And it truly was amazing to meet these women!
OHhhh, I hope you have a blast at yours... and you must share!!! =)
Gina Gordon! Hey honey!! Oh thank you for coming on over! I will never say never Gina.... cuz you never know!!! I am hoping before I die to meet everyone I have come to know here!!!
Janna! Hey honey!!! Oh girl, please... you know I am a sharer *well... with certain things, lol* But I love sharing with you girls!!! And this is a special thing for me... so I want to share it with all of you! We had an amazing time! Love ya honey!!!! Hugs to you!
Glad you all had a good time. Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteYou are just as sweet as I thought you would be and caint wait to do it again!! Thanks for putting it all together and getting my ol' married ass outta the house! Whoopie!
ReplyDeleteAwesome!!!! So jealous you all got to meet!! What a fun time :)
ReplyDeleteSounds wicked, Cecile. I'm so glad that you all had an awesome time and a teeny weeny bit envious and thinking about relocating to the US just so I can got to blogger meets.
ReplyDeleteHi dear looks like you all had a great time! That is awesome so wish I could have been there. Glad you all had a great time!!! :) BIG HUGS
ReplyDeleteHey Hon! Looks like you are doing great! And the meet and greet was a huge success. I am so glad to hear you all had such a wonderful time. :) You all are going to have to start meeting everyother month or so just to have a great girl time with books. Well, glad to see all is going well.
ReplyDeleteMr. V! Well hello there sir!! **tips hat to Mr V** Thanks for coming on over to my place today! A good time was had by all! And next time we will all get to indulge in the spirits, lol! I will make sure to take a swig for you!
ReplyDeleteHannah!!! Oh gosh, hey honey!!! You are too kind!! =) And yes, I can NOT wait to do this again!! It was simply to much damn fun...!! So, when are we doing it again!!! LMBO!! Girl any time... you and I are of the same clothe!! It was nice to be dragged out of the house!
Mandi! Hey there honey!!!! How have you been? I hope everyone is well! Ohh honey, one day... I promise one day!!!
Kris! Hey honey! Sniff sniff... **wishing Kris would move over here** I am glad that we all had a great time too.. kinda would have sucked if we did not get a long. LOL! But we did!
JennJ! Hey honey!!! Hugs to you first! I know I was gone ~ missed ya! We did have a great time... We need to spear one up that way... or half way at least, lmbo.
Melissa (My World...in words and pages)! Hey honey! Thanks for coming over!! Oh we had a great time! You might be one to something, heck it does not even have to involve books (okay.. maybe just a little bit, lmbo)... but it was so nice just getting to put a real face with the online name! I hope you are well over there! I will be making my regular rounds soon... Life... whew!! So I thank you my friend for coming over!
@Cecile - Oh you're so right!! Then I haz "A Blooger Meet & Greet" with Janna from erotic Romance Reader in the final days of July *woohoo*
ReplyDeleteHey girl,
ReplyDeleteWell it looked like y'all some serious bon temps. *grin*
What kind of po'boy did you get? hahaha...I'm all about the food *grin*
I'm loving your book loot. :-)
How fun!!!!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you had great time!!! I'm so jealous...
ReplyDeleteAnd you bought S.Kenyon book - Yay- you will enjoy that one :)
Happy Dance for Leontine!!!!! See, you are having your own Blogger Meet and Greet and I expect pics!! And lots of gossip!! LOL! Okay, so we have a count down for you then! And yes, I sooo want to be there! You girls are hilarious!! Love ya honey!
ReplyDeletes7anna! Hey honey! We did have some serious bon temps! And I cannot wait to do it again!
I got a ham po-boy. Me and Patti were going to try the shrimp po-boy... but something about the shrimp being sauteed instead of fried just did not appeal to us, lmbo! Call us cajun! LOL!
Oh don't worry... I am all about food too!!! LOL!
I love the book loot too... Now if I can just find time to start reading them!!! And petting them!! LMBO!!
Hugs to you honey!!!!!!
Hope you have a great day!
Smokinhotbooks! Hey honey! It was a blast! Thanks for coming over to check it out!
host! Hey honey! Sniff sniff... I know I wish we lived closer!!!! Trust me... ONE DAY... I am not sure when... But one day!!!!! WE will meet!
Yeah, I thought you when I picked up that book ->S.Kenyon! Thought you would be proud of me! LOL!
Hope all is well honey!
What a great idea doing this Cecile! I would love to find out what bloggers of romance reads are nearest to me too. I love sharing my joy about all I read! So glad you got to do this, absolutely sounds like a blast! Welcome back too!
ReplyDelete**Big waves to Caffey** It is so good to have you back my dear!!! Oh, I had so much fun in doing this and counting down the days till we met! It truly was awesome and these ladies are truly amazing!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to have you back hon! Hope you have a great day!
Hey girl!!! I had a BLAST meeting up with everyone!!! We so have to do it again...now if I could just get my butt on the comp more often (which will hopefully be soon) I will get back to posting myself =( The pic turned out awesome too! Can't wait till next time!
Hey Court!!!! Oh my gosh, I sooooooo can not wait to do this again!!! It was a blast getting to meet you and the other girls!!! I hope I spelled Crystal's name right!!! She was a trip! I hope all is well for you honey!!! And we do need to work on another meeting!! =) Soon!
ReplyDeleteI only wish it were 3 hours to drive from my little part of the world it is twice that or more! I still would like to go if one of the other area bloggers near me would go too, you know car pooling would work out to spit the driving!! You guys all look like you had fun, sounds even more fun and here is to the next get together may it be even more fun!!
ReplyDeletejackie b central texas
Hey Jackie! Oh most definitely!!! You know the more the merrier!!! You just have to find someone in your area...!! But that we can figure out as we plan for the next one!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you came over though!!!! Hugs to you hon!